About Brent

Brent Chapman is a professional tournament bass fisherman based out of Lenexa, Kansas. Brent fishes at the highest level of bass fishing in the world including the Bass Pro Tour, Bassmaster Elite Series and Major League Fishing.
Brent Chapman Accomplishments
Brent won the 2012 Bassmaster Angler of the Year, which most anglers consider the toughest and most prestigious title that a professional angler can attain. Brent has qualified for 14 Bassmaster Classics and has won 4 Bassmaster tournaments. Brent has qualified for Major League Fishing Championship and The MLF Bass Pro Tour Redcrest!
The Brent Chapman Fishing Team
The Chapman family work as a cohesive unit to make up the Brent Chapman Fishing team. His wife Bobbi and two children (Mason and Makayla) travel the country coast to coast and border to border in search of bass and bass fishing titles. Bobbi is the business manager for the Brent Chapman Fishing team and doubles as the teacher, as she home schools both Mason and Makayla. Mason and Makayla enjoy traveling the country and seeing all the beauty and history that the U.S. offers.
Brent Chapman’s Pro vs. Joe
The Chapman crew took on a new endeavor in 2015 and launched the webcasted show Brent Chapman’s Pro Vs Joe. The show features Brent taking on challengers from all around the country on their home body of water. Brent takes on challengers from all across the USA in this series which can now be seen on the Pursuit Network, Tuff TV, the brand new platform- Wired2Fish TV and Youtube.com/BrentChapmanFishing.
Off the Water
Brent Chapman is an outdoor enthusiast both as a profession and as a hobby. Brent is an accomplished hunter with both a bow and firearms. Brent enjoys spending his off season stalking big game and working with the hunting community on game and land management. Brent has enjoyed hunting in many states and has been featured on the Outdoor Channel for live hunts, and providing hunting tips to hunters around the globe.
Brent Chapman Fishing Statistics and Bios
Bassmaster (Elite Series and Opens) – CLICK HERE
Major League Fishing – CLICK HERE

February 7th-12th: Stage One – Lake Eufaula | Eufaula, AL
February 21st-26th: Stage Two – Lake Okeechobee | Okeechobee, FL
March 13th-18th: Stage Three – Lake Fork | Emory, TX
April 3rd-8th: Stage Four- Jordan Lake, Falls Lake, Shearon Harris | Raleigh, NC
April 24th-29th: Stage Five – Grand Lake | Grove, OK
*May 16th-20th: Heavy Hitters – Kissimmee Chain | Kissimmee, FL
June 5th-10th: Stage Six – Lake Winnebago | Neenah, WI
June 26th-July 1st: Stage Seven – St. Lawrence River | Ogdensburg, NY
July 21st-26th: Stage Eight – Lake Champlain | Burlington, VT
CHALLENGE CUP: October 4th-9th
HERITAGE CUP: November 8th-13th